First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Are you a US citizen or permanent resident?
Are you a full-time student, blind, or permanently disabled?
Were you married on December 31, 2024?
If married, do you wish to file jointly or separately?
Spouse's Name
Enter if married, regardless of whether you wish to file jointly
First Name
Last Name
Spouse's Phone Number
Is your spouse a US citizen or permanent resident?
Enter only if married and filing jointly
Is your spouse a full-time student, blind, or permanently disabled?
Enter only if married and filing jointly
Have you (or your spouse, if married) been a victim of tax related identity theft or been issued an Identity Protection PIN?
States you lived or worked in during 2024
List all states you lived or worked in during 2024. If more than one, list the number of months that you lived in each state. Round up or down as appropriate.
Tell us about your sources of income, including your spouse's, if you're filing jointly. Choose any and all that apply. (The common IRS Forms that indicate you may have that type of income are in parentheses.)
Wages (W-2)
Self-Employment Income (1099-NEC, 1099-MISC, 1099-K)
Income from the Sale of Stocks, Bonds, or Real Estate (Form 1099-B, Form 1099-S, Consolidated 1099s from Brokerage Firms)
Interest or Dividends (1099-INT, 1099-DIV)
Pensions, Annuities, or IRAs (Form 1099-R)
Social Security Benefits (Form SSA-1099)
Income from Rental Property (including Form 1099-K, Form 1099-MISC, AirBnb statements, Management Firm statements, or payments not reported on any IRS form)
Cash or check payments not reported on an IRS Form
Scholarships (W-2, 1098-T)
Refund of State or Local Income Taxes (1099-G)
Disability Income, such as from insurance or worker's compensation plans (1099-R, W-2)
Unemployment Compensation (1099-G)
Alimony Income or Separate Maintenance Payments
Income from a Partnership, S-Corporation, Estate, or Trust (Schedule K-1)
Income from the sale of digital assets
Other Income (such as gambling/lottery winnings, prizes/awards, royalties, or foreign income)
If you had income from rental properties, how many rental properties did you own and operate?
Tell us whether you (and your spouse if filing jointly) incurred any of the following types of expenses in 2024. Choose any and all that apply. (The common IRS Forms that indicate you may have that type of expense are in parentheses.)
College or Post-Secondary Tuition Expenses (1098-T)
Student Loan Interest (1098-E)
Mortgage Interest (1098)
Real Estate or Personal Property Taxes (1098)
Charitable Contributions
Childcare Expenses
Medical and Dental Expenses (including health care premiums paid out of pocket)
Expenses related to self-employment income
Expenses related to any other income
Contributions to a retirement account
Expenses for supplies used as a teacher
Alimony or separate maintenance payments
Contributed to a 529 Investment Account
Other expenses you think we should know about
Life Events
Tell us whether any of the following life events happened to you (or your spouse) last year. Check any and all boxes that apply. (The common IRS Forms that suggest you may have had such an event are listed in parentheses.)
Bought or Sold a Home (whether or not reported on Form 1099-S)
Had Debt Cancelled by a Lender (1099-A, 1099-C)
Had a Health Savings Account (5498-SA, 1099-SA, W-2 with code W in Box 12)
Had Health Insurance Coverage through the Marketplace (1095-A)
Purchased and Installed Energy Efficient Home Items
Made Estimated Tax Payments
Applied Last Year's Refund to This Year's Tax
Filed a Tax Return Containing a Capital Loss Carryover
Had Any Tax Credits Disallowed
Bought or Sold Bitcoin or other Virtual Currency or Digital Assets
Had the Earned Income Credit, Child Tax Credit, or American Opportunity Credit disallowed in any prior tax year?
Received any communications from the IRS
Other Information
Please use this space to tell us about anything else you think we should know about your tax circumstances, or to ask any questions.